


家守綺譚 by 梨木香歩



家守綺譚 by 梨木香歩




死んだはずの友人が掛け軸からでてきて、「おい、庭にいる木がお前に恋しているぞ」と現れたりする話。 僕はいつも女性が書く小説に惹かれます。日本語は男性的だと僕は思うのですが、とても男性的に女性が書く文章がとても不思議で好きです。


6th day Book Cover Challenge

家守綺譚 ie mori kitan by Kaho Nashiki

I've been posting something serious, but this is a lighter one. I rarely read contemporary novel, but this is beautiful. Unfortunately there is no English translation. It is humorous, mysterious, but quite sophisticated. Very easy to read. The dead friend coming out from picture, talking to the main character, "Hey, The tree in the garden fell in love with you". The continuity of another novel but the style is completely different. That is very interesting. As Japanese language is quite masculine ( I think ), so when female writer writes in a sophisticated way, it fascinates me.




#bookcoverchallenge #satoshidate #ブックカバーチャレンジ